Epcon Lane

L.Wyman“In 2012, I was a recipient of the ATHENAPowerlink Award in Akron, Ohio. It was a fantastic year of growth for our business. The board that was assembled for our company was an excellent mix of strengths to review our weaknesses.

Over the course of the year, they helped me refine our target market by evaluating our business dimensions.  I was put to task to learn to understand and evaluate our financial stability by revising our customer database programs and restructuring our chart of accounts. I can now run daily, weekly and monthly reports to know the fiscal health of our company. We also have policies and procedures in place,  as well as growth plans for our employees with built-in incentives and accountability .

We increased the depth of our marketing by not only tracking the source of new business, but the dollar amount attached to each marketing program and cost vs value of new clients. The protocols we put in place, the processes we established have placed Epcon Lane in a position of increased growth and leadership. The ATHENAPowerLink experience was beneficial and we are grateful for the opportunity and thankful to our board.

Leslie Wyman, Owner
Epcon Lane, Environmental Pest Control
Akron, Ohio